Penthouse Pet Christiana Cinn set to beginhistoric weekend as she is the first Adult performer to perform with her bandand Headline as a Feature Entertainer in the same night in separate venues.

Penthouse Pet Christiana Cinn set to beginhistoric weekend as she is the first Adult performer to perform with her bandand Headline as a Feature Entertainer in the same night in separate venues. Shecan now also be booked direct.





  January2016 Penthouse Pet and Adult Film Star Christiana Cinn@christianacinn beginsthe first DUO tour EVER Performing with her cabaret rock and roll band “HotSauce Holiday” then headlining her solo erotic cabaret as the FeatureEntertainer in the same city on the same night! Beginning in  Portland,Oregon, her band “Hot Sauce Holiday” appears at Valentines, located at 232 SWAnkeny St, Portland, OR 97204, for more information please call: (503) 248-1600,or check out their website: From there, shewill be at The Sunset Strip Exit 69” where she will be headlining  for1special night. “The Sunset Strip Exit 69” is located at 10205 SW Park Way,Portland, OR 97225. For more information, call them (503) 297-8466,or check out their website:

On Saturday, August 6th,she will beappearing at the Silver Dollar Clubin Eugene, Oregon.

Silver DollarClub is located at 2620 W 10th Pl,Eugene,OR 97402. For more information, call them (541) 485-2303 or check out theirwebsite:


“I guess I’ll find out if I can really rock til Idrop.” Says Christiana. “Both experiences {performing with my band and featuredancing} provide such different emotions for me. It should be quite anadventure.”


From there she heads to New Orleans for the ExoticDancer Convention, where she’ll be appearing for two days on August 7thand 8th.


“The Gentlemen’s Club expo is going to be fun.”Explains Christiana, “This is THE show for Feature entertainers, everyone who’sanyone in the industry will be there.”


The AnnualGentlemen’s Club EXPO (formerly called the Annual Gentlemen’s Club Owners EXPO)was established in 1993, where it was held for the first time at the StardustHotel & Casino. The EXPO remains the ONLY national convention and awardsshow for the multi-billion-dollar Adult nightclub industry.  The 24thAnnual will be held at the Hilton Riverside in downtownNew Orleans, August 7-10, 2016. For more information on thatshow, please go to:


Beginning August 1st, 2016 Christianacan be booked direct. Anyone interested in booking her, please email her at [email protected]


“I really appreciate everything Shy Love and theVIP Connect have done for me.

“explains Christiana. “At this point in my career,I’m going in a different direction and I’ll be focusing more on other aspects{my band, mainstream, etc} of my brand and will be very selective about futureAdult Video productions.”


 Please direct all media inquiries to: [email protected]


Keywords: ChristianaCinn, AVN, Porn Star, XXX, Feature Entertainer, Celebrity,Penthouse Pet, Actress, Twitter, Playboy model, Candy.Adult, Pornstar.XXX, PornstarTweet, Exxotica, Portland, Eugene, Hot Sauce Holiday, Exotic Dancer show, NewOrleans



ChristianaCinn is a True BellaDonna. The one time rebellious Private Christian School Girl was born in SanDiego, raised all over the Bay Area, and took the stage for the first time whenshe was five years old playing Mary Madeline in her church’s Easter play.Because she spent so much time in the principal’s office, and less time on herstudies, she began studying ballet and tap dancing, were she felt shediscovered her true calling in life: Entertaining people. Inspired by AudreyHepburn and movies like Funny Face {and fueled by an insatiable appetite toexpand her creative and passionate boundaries} Christiana’s never been one toshy away from controversial subjects or the opportunity to shock people.

After graduating from HighSchool, she went to Beauty School earning extra credits and finishing at thetop of her class. The 5'4" Italian Model/Actress/Musician/Make-UpArtist/Hair Stylist/Business Woman and Entrepreneur has never been far from thespotlight. Whether it’s working behind the camera as a make-up artist,hairstylist, image consultant, song writer, production coordinator or setdecorator or stepping in front of the lens to show case her all natural 32C-24-34curves for every major photographer, agency or publication around the world,{including the rare distinction of having appeared in both Playboy and Penthouserespectively}.

 At that point in her life she was very curiousabout her sexuality and had a lot of erotic fantasies she wanted to fulfill,and after being approached by the owner of an Adult production company, shetook the plunge. Over the past two years she has worked for every major productioncompany, producer and director around the world, becoming one of the mostsought after performers working today.

Not one to rest on herlaurels, she joined “Hot Sauce Holiday”,the popular cabaret rock band based in Los Angeles in 2015. Known for theirwildly interactive and largely improvisational live shows, {No two shows areever the same}. With the debut of “Baconand Eggs-The Mini Rock Opera” co-written by Christina in April 2016, sheadded song writer to her never ending creative resume. The bands second album,{set to be released in Fall 2016} will include additional songs from Christianaas well. Her musical influences include No Doubt, Frank Zappa, The Beatles, LedZeppelin and musicals like the Rocky Horror Picture show.

In February 2016, she createdCinn City, her own production company. Cinn City was designed to allowChristiana to show case all aspects of both her Creative Career and InsatiableSex drive. Christiana will Produce, Direct and {in some cases, Star} in a widevariety of original content for distribution across multiple platforms anddevices.

Currently you’ll findChristiana treading the boards, headlining the Biggest Gentlemen’s clubs aroundthe world, where she has quickly become one of the most popular {and requested}entertainers touring today. By combining old-school performance style, withelaborate costumes, and drawing inspiration from legendary burlesque andcabaret performers, {including Lilly“The Cat Girl” Christine,Dixie Evans, Peter Allenand Vikki Carr } It's a Fun sexy and erotic show great formen women and couples to enjoy.

Whenshe’s not working, Christiana loves to go to music festivals, rock climb,travel, design her costumes, or just have a margarita by the beach, "I'malways down to learn something new and have a new adventure!" She says.

Follow her onTwitter@christianacinn, Instagram@christianacinn , facebook@christianacinn,


Please check out ChristianaCinn’s network


@supeapp! Username: ChristianaCinnXO.

Christiana Cinn is self-representedand can be booked directly:
[email protected] 









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