Quiz: Is this a chick or a dick ?
Can you rely on your eyes to tell who is woman and who is tranny?
There will be 35 pictures. Good luck!!

Is she a woman ?

Is she a woman ?

What about her ?

What about her ?

Sexy girl or what ?

Sexy girl or what ?

Try this one, please.

Try this one, please.

Are you happy with your answers so far ?

Are you happy with your answers so far ?

Is this the face of a woman ?

Is this the face of a woman ?

And what do you think about this face ?

And what do you think about this face ?

Too much cosmetic surgery for a woman, isn't it ?

Too much cosmetic surgery for a woman, isn't it ?

Is that a tranny in glasses ?

Is that a tranny in glasses ?

Please, don't tell me she isn't a woman !!

Please, don't tell me she isn't a woman !!

That's a woman for sure... right ?

That's a woman for sure... right ?

Let's try with an asian... is she a girl ?

Let's try with an asian... is she a girl ?

What about this one ?

What about this one ?

Woman ?

Woman ?

Also woman ?

Also woman ?

What about this blondie ?

What about this blondie ?

Woman or tranny ?

Woman or tranny ?

Can this ass not belong to a woman ?

Can this ass not belong to a woman ?

Do you like ripped abs ?

Do you like ripped abs ?

Or would you rather flirt with this barbie doll ?

Or would you rather flirt with this barbie doll ?

Another muscle dude... I mean chick !!

Another muscle dude... I mean chick !!

Prettier than the last one, but what's your call ?

Prettier than the last one, but what's your call ?

Damn it, is that a woman ?

Damn it, is that a woman ?

Are you starting to get headaches or is it just me ?

Are you starting to get headaches or is it just me ?

She's too pretty, it must be a woman... don't you agree ?

She's too pretty, it must be a woman... don't you agree ?

She's also gorgeous... definitely woman, right ?

She's also gorgeous...  definitely woman, right ?

Is that a milf ?

Is that a milf ?

Don't give up now, we're almost there...

Don't give up now, we're almost there...

I'm sure this chick has a dick... am I right ?

I'm sure this chick has a dick... am I right ?

Don't smile at me slut... will you let this tranny fool us ?

Don't smile at me slut... will you let this tranny fool us ?

What do you say about this one ?

What do you say about this one ?

And this one ?

And this one ?

Fuck it, that's a tranny !!

Fuck it, that's a tranny !!

Nice try showing your boobs, but I don't buy it... are you with me ?

Nice try showing your boobs, but I don't buy it... are you with me ?

And finally... hey, what a fuck is that ?

And finally... hey, what a fuck is that ?

This one is so unfair that I'll give it for free.

Quiz: Is this a chick or a dick ?

  1. You got: Hawk Eye

    Congratulations, you have a hawk eye!!

    You can spot a woman miles away from you and therefore you are more then ready for the hunt.

  2. You got: Mr Magoo

    Oh no!! Be more careful, Mr Magoo!!

    Do not drink too much before chasing for girls otherwise you may end up finding a big surprise.

  3. You got: Spiderman

    Like Spiderman you can feel danger coming towards you!!

    Maybe you missed some girls, but at least you successfully avoided the dicks.

  4. You got: Mouse

    Are you a man or a mouse?

    You're  too cautious and  so you let too many chicks fly by. Don't be so afraid dude, grown some balls!!

Just a dude who likes porn a lot

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