iWantClips Gets State of the Art Hosting & Server Updates
iWantClips uses the same hosting technology and infrastructure as Amazon and Netflix. They have increased their hosting investment by 1500% and have primary server locations in North America, Asia and Europe.

iWantClips Gets State of the Art Hosting & Server Updates

(Cheyenne, WY) iWantClips is quickly becoming the go-to site for amateur adult clips and content. Part of their growth is to enhance the model and customer experiences, and that is precisely what they’ve done by investing in state of the art hosting and server updates.

iWantClips uses the same hosting technology and infrastructure as Amazon and Netflix. They have increased their hosting investment by 1500% and have primary server locations in North America, Asia and Europe, in addition to having the ability to place virtual machines anywhere significant traffic generates from.

Models can upload their content from anywhere in the world, and customers can download it anywhere on the planet. With the new structure, it will be so seamless that it will appear they’re in the same locations as the servers. Both models and customers will now be treated to lightning fast uploads/downloads, page loads and streaming. Plus, the new IWC video player automatically detects your bandwidth, adjusts your solution to maximum settings allowed by your Internet provider for non-interrupted streaming of clips and maximum customer satisfaction. IWC can now say they are the fastest clip site on the market.

“We’ve made a huge investment in our hosting and servers, and we feel it’s worth every penny to keep our models happy,” Jay Phillips, Vice President of iWantClips.com. “By making it easier to upload their content, the models will be more likely post clips more frequently. Customers will be happier because they have even more content to purchase and the downloads will be super-fast. It’s a win-win for everyone!”

In addition to incredible hosting and server updates, iWantClips will be rolling out version 2.0 of their iWantCustomClips and a brand new service called iWantPhone later this year.

The Rub PR delivers results. In our 10+ years in business, we’ve got our clients the best coverage, walking the red carpets, attending the hottest events, and presenting and accepting awards, along with huge adult and mainstream projects. The Rub PR is a premiere full-service agency that works with the top studios, performers, cam stars, directors, and adult-oriented companies. When you’re really serious, you’ll hire us. Contact us at [email protected].

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