
Vicki Chase heads to SouthBeach for Xbiz’s Summer Summit and Camcon this weekend.
Vicki Chase heads to SouthBeach for Xbiz’s Summer Summit and Camcon this weekend.
(Hollywood, CA.) Superstar Vicki Chase {@VickiChase} is headingto South Florida for Xbiz’s Summer Summit {} and the Third Annual Cam Con show {} this weekend.
Both events takeplace simultaneously from May 31-June 3rd. at the SLS South Beach Hotel,1701 Collins Ave.Miami Beach, FL 33139. XBIZ Miami isthe online adult industry's top event of the summer bringing together topdecision-makers from across the U.S, Canada and Europe for three days ofbusiness-networking opportunities. CamCon is the platform where models, mobile apps, websites, studios, agencies,fans and all overlapping businesses come together annually to collaborate,network, share ideas to improve and grow our industry, while ensuring apositive evolution of the WORLD’S fastest growing content driven segment.
“I’m excited to have fun and network atthe Xbiz Summer Summit and looking forwardto meeting the fans at Cam Con.” Says Vicki: “I can't wait to bein Miami!"
Anyone interestedin interviewing Vicki or other media opportunities, please contact her ontwitter@vickichase or email her at:[email protected]
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Anyoneinterested in interviewing Vicki or other media opportunities, please contacther on twitter@vickichase or email [email protected]
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