Dromebox Labs releases episode 4 of the Jack Jimminy Show, starring Jayden Lee
Jayden Lee crosses into mainstream

Dromebox Labs releases episode 4 of the JackJimminy Show, starring Jayden Lee

DromeBox Laboratoriesreleases episode 4 of the wildly popular independent sitcom “Jack Jimminy: PornExtra”.

Directed by DelilahSoup, the episode stars Nolan Silverstein, Eddie Whitehead Jr, Nikolay Bla,Sally Mullins, Jeremy Paul, Tom Whalen, Silvia Saige and Jayden Lee.

Episode 4features a behind the scenes glimpse of “Cover My Whore Face” with Gary Gusherand Jayden Lee. Also,a sneak peak into "G-Spot Productions VirtualReality/Augmented Reality Camming" with Silvia Saige.

“Everyone loves a sexyAsian nurse!” explains producer Nolan Silverstein on working with jaydenLee.  Co-star Eddie Whitehead Jr, {who playsPorn Director Eddie Whitesnake} loves working for Dromebox Labs “I lookforward to working for Dromebox Labs, being involved in shows like Jack Jimminyis an honor”.”This was my first time being on an actual set today.” Says JaydenLee, adding: “I popped my cherry today.”

The Jack Jimminy Showwas created by The Silverstein Brothers and is produced by DromeBoxLaboratories.

Full episodes are available on-demand at www.JackJimminy.com

Production Inquiries, please contact: [email protected]

Please direct all media inquiries to: [email protected]

Followthem on social media:  Twitter Dromeboxlabs-@DromeBoxLabs,Jack Jimminy @Jack_Jimminy, SallyMullins - @sullymullins1 and Silvia Saige - @kristinDennisComedy

Instagram andFaceBbook is -@DromeBoxLabs,

DromeBox airsLIVE Wed-Sun 4pm-1am PST. Support Local Television. Support DromeBoxLaboratories.

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