A Dirty Cinderella Story
Girlsway Network Announces Release of New Mini-Series A Dirty Cinderella Story, a three-part series starring AJ Applegate and Mia Malkova out August 7, 17 and 27

Girlsway Network, the award-winning lesbian adult content site of Gamma Entertainment's FameDollars affiliate program, announces the release of three-part mini-series A Dirty Cinderella Story, starring AJ Applegate, August 7th, 17th and 27th, exclusively at Girlsway.com.

Bree Mills, who serves as Gamma Films Head of Production, and the series’ writer and director Stills by Alan have brought a fairy tale to life as beautiful underdog Cinderella (AJ Applegate) battles a wicked, dominating stepmother and cruel, evil stepsisters.  

"We thought we’d put a twist on a centuries-old tale of an innocent young girl in the crosshairs of domineering mean girls and stepmother – with a lot of sexual tension," said Mills. "We are proud of this new mini-series and hope fans love it too."

Part 1: The Evil Stepsisters co-stars Georgia Jones and Katrina Jade as hateful twins of destruction that give Cinderella one more physical chore to add to her to-do list: them.

Part 2: The Evil Stepmother brings Cinderella head-to-head with her tyrannical stepmom (Jelena Jensen) in a hardcore encounter that gets Stepmom off - while Cinderella gets to perform in the school play.

Part 3: The Happy Ending finds Cinderella in ecstasy, not with Prince Charming and no thanks to a Fairy Godmother, but with a famous Hollywood actress (Mia Malkova) who bumps into Cinderella on a walking path while reciting Shakespeare. As greatness is thrust upon Cinderella, she has to exit stage right and attend to her stepmother, but this course of true love will run smoothly as they reunite for a sizzling Sapphic scene.

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