Toy Review: G Spot Sport Classic from BS Atelier
My relationship with the dildos of BS Atelier began with a wink across a crowded room. They dropped into my inbox unsolicited, and I knew mine wasn’t the only one. The message wasn’t personalized or lengthy, but it was bright and brilliant. I didn’t want to appear overeager, but I responded within the hour.

I don’t mean to brag, but I get approached by a lot of dildos.  At any given time, my inbox is stuffed full messages from sex toys from all over the world. I rarely respond, but with BS Atelier it was different. For starters, his approach focused on pride.

Sexual equality is an important issue to us at Taboo. BS Atelier’s rainbow, bi, trans, and leather dildos are not only attractive, their message is beautiful. Eager to make sure my suitor wasn’t just a pretty face, I did a little research on the team at BS Atelier, the company’s values, and their manufacturing process. All of BS Atelier’s toys are handcrafted with high-grade silicone in Madrid. After a nice correspondence, I was ready to launch our long distance relationship.

US Customs had other ideas. It took multiple phone calls, snail mail alerts, and a fun email thread before they were convinced that my shipment’s contents were harmless dildos and butt plugs.

It was worth the wait. When we opened the box of brightly colored toys, I was smitten. The LGBTQ dildos, available in two different styles, were breathtaking. The other assorted rainbow, zebra, duo-toned, and splatter paint dildos and plugs were even cuter in person. The one who stole my heart, however, looked like tube socks.

Yes, tube socks. And not just any tube socks, but MY tube socks. Tube socks I treasure. Tube socks that once even made an appearance in the Taboo Girls Calendar.

You know when you meet a person and you can immediately tell you’ll work well together? That was me and G Spot Sport Classic. He’s my type physically (strong but not too stiff, cute with a gentle curve) plus he struck me as confident and soft-spoken. So if you’re wondering how we hit it off between the sheets (and I guess that’s why you’re here) it was pretty much like that. I could feel the quality of the silicone, and the size and shape were right. Bonus: He boasts a base for use with a harness.

Taboo is proud to be one of a handful of stores in the US with BS Atelier’s fun and innovative products. Stop by to see our full selection and pick up something truly original!

Used with kind permission from Alison Barber and our friends at Taboo.

Alison Barber owns Taboo, a small chain of award winning adult stores in Richmond, VA. She reviews toys and blogs about sex at and for Inked Angels and Sexpert, and is regularly featured in XBiz Magazine. Her personal stores of living, loving, and touching are on

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