Young Casting Girls

Young Casting Girls
What happens before photo shoot begins? The Casting. Glamour models posing for a sexy photography session: frontal, back, side and everything in between! Take a peek on set with Mark Novak’s revealing new book Young Casting Girls. Lights, Camera and lots of Hot Girl Action!

Young Casting Girls


$39.99 / 24.99 GBP / 29.99 Euros

What happens before photo shoot begins? The Casting. Glamour models posing for a sexy photography session: frontal, back, side and everything in between! Take a peek on set with Mark Novak’s revealing new book Young Casting Girls. Lights, Camera and lots of Hot Girl Action!

To get a more detailed look at what really goes on behind the closed doors of the casting process, we let you peek at a reprint of an original casting form filled out by a model pitching for the job...

The selection process: In order to participate in a nude photography shoot, models are usually selected through a casting process

Sign the release: At the casting, models sign consent to the release of their imagesBehind the closed doors: We're showing you the pictures from an original casting, starring 50 different young, fresh-looking fitties!