KarmaRX and Aspen Ora appearing this week on “Reel Seduction Radio” this weekend on DromeBox .com
Karma RX and Aspen Ora live


Two of Adult EntertainmentIndustry’s fastest rising stars Karma RX {


} and Aspen Ora {@Aspen_Ora} will be appearing on “Reel Seduction Radio “this weekend. The show will air on Sunday August 6th,2017 at 9pm PT on www.dromebox.com

“This should be a veryexciting show.”  Says Host Chris King.“Karma is blowing up across social media and Aspen is always turning headswhere she goes, put them together and you have pure TNT waiting to explode.”

Reel Seduction @ReelSeduction  continues to showcase only the biggest stars,Hottest Up and Comers on its website: www.reelseduction.com.

Production Inquiries, pleasecontact: Beta@Gr3d.com

 Follow them on Socialmedia: @ReelSeduction 

Website: ReelSeduction.com

 Please direct allmedia inquiries to: theemmmedia@gmail.com


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