10 Tips For Surviving Your First Sex Party
Sex parties, once a hush-hush underground scene, has been thrust into the semi-mainstream. There is also a greater acceptance of sexual kinks in today’s society, and that is a great thing. They can also feel a bit intimidating, though. Fear not, we’ve collected 10 tips that will make it easy for you to survive and thrive at your first sex party.

Dress in Clothes that Make You Feel Sexy

Dress in Clothes that Make You Feel Sexy

Sex parties don’t require a fancy costume or complicated lingerie. Newbies often overshoot their first time out, assuming they must come through the door looking like a dominatrix to be accepted into the scene. That simply isn’t the case. Sex parties have a far more casual dress code than most would think.

Go to your first party in the clothes that make you feel sexy; whether that is a leather dress or a pair of skinny jeans and a tee-shirt. Pick your footwear wisely. You’ll want something that is comfortable but also makes you feel sexy naked. Running shoes with no clothes on, for example, might not make you feel like a sex party vixen. Think about it before you suit up. 

Leave Expectations at the Door

You’ll enjoy yourself more at your first sex party if you go in with no expectations. This is true for most things in life. You may have boundaries and rules, you may even have some desires, but go in without expectations, and you’ll be able to absorb and enjoy the scene. Don’t go in assuming you’ll have sex, or that you won’t have sex. Leave some things open ended and just go with the flow.

Now that you know how the scene works and what you should and should not do at your first party, get out there and have some fun. Meet people, get frisky, but most of all be safe! 

Used with kind permission from Coleen Singer and our friends at EroticScribes Sex News

Coleen Singer is a writer, photographer, film editor and all-around geeky gal at Sssh.com, where she often waxes eloquent about sex, porn, sex toys, censorship, the literary and pandering evils of Fifty Shades of Grey and other topics not likely to be found on the Pulitzer Prize shortlist. She is also the editor and curator of EroticScribes.com.

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