The best known 4 types of sex dolls
Sex dolls don’t get the same amount of attention as vibrators, prostate massagers, masturbators and other adult toys. They are generally depicted as blow-up dolls: plastic, unwieldy, and identical. But now there are so many types to choose from!

TPE Sex Dolls

Feature: In the look and feel, TPE is similar to silicone but both softer and more pliable. It tends to take impressions of whatever it touches, including clothing. TPE dolls are generally posable, with metal skeletons like silicone dolls, which makes them a bit heavy; though many TPE dolls are smaller and lighter than their silicone counterparts. TPE has a very realistic feel once warmed; the softness which leaves it susceptible to imprinting also makes it mold slightly to its partner. One downside of these dolls for those who enjoy dressing up their dolls is that the TPE gets stained by dye very easily, so white clothing is the most practical.

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